Sunday, November 9, 2008

Tea party!

Don't forget to bring something for our English tea tomorrow!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Book letters

Usually I do grading on Saturday, and planning on Sunday, and I've been reading your book letters this afternoon. I really love them...for lots of reasons: they're personal, detailed, and thoughtful.
I have my own theories about why they're so great, but wondered what your own were, and if you
would you be interested in doing a similar assignment later this year?
PS Expect blog related homework sometime in the next week or two.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Politics in the classroom

Stanley Fish is a noted literary critic and, apparently, a cultural one too. I'd be interested in your thoughts/responses to his Times op/ed. I don't do buttons or bumper stickers as a general rule, but if you ask, I don't think I'd keep my personal politics much of a secret, nor ask you to do the same. I disagree with Fish...I think he misses the difference between productive, respectful dialogue among people who disagree, and brainwashing/political indoctrination. Or he thinks teachers and professors are incapable of the former. What do you think?

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Welcome to our (better late than never) blog! We'll use this blog to continue conversations we start in class, to share tangential thoughts, ideas, etc, and sometimes to share responses to particularly difficult/tricky texts. To join, you'll need to register by creating a Google account (this is not the same as Gmail). Use your pre-existing email account and password to register.

Then, you'll be ready to post.
Let me know if you have any questions.