Monday, March 16, 2009

Tues., March 17

Hi folks--
I may stay home sick tomorrow (sore throat) :-(. If we don't have class, continue to work on your *Sula* papers; I'll hold J block Wed. for folks who want to conference, and we'll do a (brief) peer review on Thur. during our shortened block.

New revised deadline for essay is Mon. the 23rd. We'll do our Things Fall Apart Socratic Seminar on Tues. Mach 24.
Happy writing--Close Up folks, looking forward to hearing from you!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sula response

Read p. 49-78. These chapters are about Sula and Nel's friendship. In your response (again, typed, double spaced if possible), consider:

-- in what ways are Sula and Nel similar? Different? How are you like one or both of them?
-- How do they interact with the other people in Medallion? What are some of the tensions/issues that arise?

Have fun. :-)

potluck party! Mon. March 9

Here's the sign up sheet:

Alissa potato latkes!

Joe apple sauce/sour cream

Rina brownies

Zach guac and nuts

Lauren tortilla chips

Liam salsa

Rachel F. caesar (really) salad, and pesto

Jeff pasta (w/ Rachel's pesto?)

Melanie plates, napkins

Jessica and Sandy: dumplings, fried rice

Jenny "juice"

Ms. Becker something wonderful vegetarian thing. Maybe Indian?
Costumes welcome but optional.
See you Monday!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

homework, sula, p. 30-48

In tonight's reading you'll meet Sula and her family. In addition to any questions you have about what you read (we'll try to answer them in class), respond to a character in Sula's family (Sula, Eva, Hannah, or Plum) you're interested in. How do you think this character fits into the social landscape of Medallion, and so what? (Same format, though post it if you're interested in what others have to say). I'll check back later to see what you come with.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

first Sula response

Read p. 1-29, then, in a 1/2-1 page typed, double spaced response:

What are your first impressions of this novel? Of the community Morrison describes? What sticks out to you? (1-2 passages) What questions do you have about the novel so far? Why do you think Morrison might begin the novel the way she does?

happy reading. :-)