Monday, January 5, 2009


So, I just realized that the new *Tess* is very much on television (I thought the BBC adaptation wouldn't reach this country for a while) on GBH (44). I'll tape both installments (that's right. On video cassette). But you should all try to watch it: it's in two parts, one tonight, and the other on Jan. 11. Let's see if they can do better than Roman Polanski did. :-)

Friday, January 2, 2009

Bring work to class on Monday

I'm not optimistic that anyone will read this posting, but I'd like you to bring work (essays, analytical paragraphs, etc) from the year so far to class on Monday. (I know some of you keep stuff on file at home, which is why I'm posting). One of the most frequently asked questions I encounter (from students and parents) is 'what can I/my child' do to improve my/his/her writing?)

So, on Monday, we'll see if we can answer that question, but you'll need some of your writing from this year to do it. Also, bring highlighters if you have them, preferably a couple of different colors.
See you then...hope everyone had a restful break.